ABOUT Immediate Code

Many things distract people from reaching their educational goals. Immediate Code aims to diminish the power of goal-reaching hindrances by providing a clear roadmap for obtainable education. Immediate Code helps people who aim to acquire investment education connect with investment teachers fast and free.


Immediate Code Stands For Accessible Investment Education

The norm in the past years was for people to learn to invest or trade as experts. In other words, the goal of learning about investment was for investment or trading purposes. 

Immediate Code is changing the narrative as it connects inexperienced people to investment tutors to learn about investment to widen their knowledge scope.


Fostering the Adoption of Modern Technology

While there is the early majority when it concerns technological adoption, some are laggards. Immediate Code uses its website to help the laggards (especially those interested in getting investment education) embrace technology and explore it. With Immediate Code’s helps this group enjoy technology through virtual learning, communication over the internet, etc.

Immediate Code Promotes Financial Literacy

As Immediate Code connects people to investment education firms, contributing to their enhanced financial literacy. Through virtual connection and learning, people do not have to search the internet for learning resources, which may often confound beginners and discourage them. With Immediate Code, anyone can access suitable tutors to make sense of the investment world.


The Immediate Code Team

The Immediate Code team was founded on wanting a world where people have suitable investment knowledge. The team analyzed the issues the investment industry faced, realized that lack of investment education played a big part, and decided to correct that.

Team members, in pursuit of tackling investment education issues, designed Immediate Code - a website connecting investment learners and teachers fast and without charges. Immediate Code has connected thousands of people and is still in the business of doing so. People curious about investment education and Immediate Code can register to experience the website.

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